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Thermochimica Acta

Thermochimica Acta

Volume 238
Main Index

Pages FM5, 1-459 (15 June 1994)

Calorimetric analysis of liquid—liquid phase separation
Pages 1-16
J. Arnauts, R. De Cooman, P. Vandeweerdt, R. Koningsveld, H. Berghmans
The use of thermal analysis in the study of liquid—liquid phase separation in blends of some crystallizable homopolymers with their branched copolymers
Pages 17-39
Mary J. Hill, Sally J. Organ, Peter J. Barham
The role of thermal analysis in revealing the common molecular nature of transitions in polymers
Pages 41-73
V.A. Bershtein, V.M. Egorov, L.M. Egorova, V.A. Ryzhov
The thermal characterization of multi-component systems by enthalpy relaxation
Pages 75-98
Gerrit ten Brinke, Lizette Oudhuis, Thomas S. Ellis
Structural recovery in isotropic and smectic glasses
Pages 99-111
D. Lacey, G. Nestor, M.J. Richardson
A description of melting and crystallization of eutectic oligomers and copolymers — an application of the physical concepts of colloids
Pages 113-154
H.G. Kilian
The crystallization behavior of random copolymers of ethylene
Pages 155-201
R.G. Alamo, L. Mandelkern
The melting of polymers — a three-phase approach
Pages 203-227
M. Alsleben, C. Schick
Dielectric relaxation as a probe of interphase structure
Pages 229-255
Peggy Cebe, Peter P. Huo
The investigation of solution-crystallized polyethylene by slow calorimetry
Pages 257-275
H. Phuong-Nguyen, G. Delmas
Mathematical description of differential scanning calorimetry based on periodic temperature modulation
Pages 277-293
Bernhard Wunderlich, Yimin Jin, Andreas Boller
Modulated differential scanning calorimetry
Pages 295-307
M. Reading, A. Luget, R. Wilson
Multifrequency calorimetry
Pages 309-319
O.L. Mayorga, A. Navarro Rascon, E. Freire
Differential thermal analysis (DTA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) at high pressures. Experimental techniques and selected results
Pages 321-336
C. Schmidt, M. Rittmeier-Kettner, H. Becker, J. Ellert, R. Krombach, G.M. Schneider
Influence of high pressure on the phase transitions in linear polysiloxanes as studied by high pressure DTA
Pages 337-349
A.I. Shulgin, Yu.K. Godovsky, N.N. Makarova
High pressure DSC investigations on n-alkanes, n-alkane mixtures and polyethylene
Pages 351-370
G.W.H. Höhne, K. Blankenhorn
Selected thermodynamic aspects of the influence of pressure on polymer systems
Pages 371-395
Servaas Vleeshouwers, Erik Nies
Pressure—volume—temperature studies of semi-crystalline polymers
Pages 397-415
Paul Zoller, Youssef A. Fakhreddine
Thermophysical characterization of glassy, cross-linked heterocyclic polymers
Pages 417-427
V.P. Azarenkov, A.V. Baibak, V.Yu. Kramarenko, V.P. Privalko
New possibilities for the study of deformation kinetics and relaxations in polymers using a laser interferometer
Pages 429-452
N.N. Peschanskaya, P.N. Yakushev, A.B. Sinani, V.A. Bershtein
Author index
Page 453
Subject index
Pages 455-459
Editorial advisory board
Page FM5
Page IX
V.B.F Mathot